Services / Aura Photo (Reiki coming soon)
What is the Aura? The Aura is a beautiful field of ever changing energy patterns that completely surrounds all living things. The Aura is created by all of your thoughts and feelings both conscious and unconscious as well as the energies flowing through the physical body.
The Aura, which is connected with the activity of the chakra (Sanskrit for "energy wheel"), reflects the individuals state of consciousness. In that case, the colors of the Aura give us information about the quality of consciousness, as well as one's emotions, thoughts, abilities and the vital energies of a person. Chakras are the energy centers in your body through which energy flows. These energy centers are directly linked to mental , physical and spiritual attributes.
With our technology you will receive a comprehensive guide which includes the following:
*A detailed 23 page report
*Full printed color photo of you and your aura showing the colors/shape/size of your aura
*Detailed explanation of your main aura color, which reflects your personality type and characteristics taping into career/finance, relationships/social interaction and well being.
*Shape/size/Activity of each of your chakras
*Your yin-yang energy (male/female balance)
The aura reading is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical problems or conditions.
Walk in anytime for an Aura Photo Session at Flowlife. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the session and receive your complete report.